Take Nature Home · 把大自然帶回家

Established in 2020, Clansman first brought this 30 year old famous Scottish bodycare and home scent brand to Asia, ARRAN Sense of Scotland. Hong Kong was Arran's first landing pad in Asia. Other Scottish brands soon followed suit in the first year of the business. Clansman Lifestyle now carries 7 Scottish brands exclusively in Hong Kong. Founders husband and wife team, Derek and Evon, believe in only bringing the best of nature for their home. They carry on this mantra into their business bringing to markets what they would offer to their own children and dogs. Given their Scottish roots, the founders are keen and active in promoting Scottish cultures in Hong Kong.

自2020年在香港成立以來,Clansman Lifestyle 把一個30年蘇格蘭星級品牌ARRAN Sense of Scotland首次引入亞洲,香港第一站。隨後,Clansman如火如荼很快在短短一年內再為亞洲區引入其它6個蘇格蘭品牌。如今,Clansman已經成為7個蘇格蘭品牌在亞洲的守護者。更借助蘇格蘭人在香港悠久的歷史,在香港本土積極推廣蘇格蘭文化。創辦人夫婦相信把大自然最美好的賦予家人,就是他們對家愛的表現。基於這個信念,他們如今所引入的所有產品都是他們自己、孩子還有愛狗會用、吃、穿、喝和觀賞的物件和產品。

Our Wee Story

Experience Scotland |體驗蘇格蘭 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Scotland is not just about whisky and salmon. There are many more beautiful products created by the Scots that the world has yet to find out about. Take a trip to Scotland by discovering the huge selection of Scottish made products on offer in Clansman Lifestyle. Every single products on offer has been carefully curated by the founders, bringing only the best to you. All Scottish products sold in Clansman are created, made, and packed in Scotland by Scotsmen, shipped in its original packaging to Hong Kong. Sold to you in Hong Kong also by a Scotsman. Experience Scotland in the comfort of your home.

一提起蘇格蘭,一般人都會自動聯想起威士忌。但是蘇格蘭除了威士忌,還有其他不為外人所知的天然優質零污染產品。憑著蘇格蘭自工業革命時所扮演的佼佼者角色(蘇格蘭人發明了電話、抽水馬桶、蒸汽火車頭等)還有了不得的從商能力,蘇格蘭如今依然保持當年敬業樂業的精神。特有的乾淨天然大自然所委託的各式產業持續被發展,為世人帶來性價比極高的各類零污染產品。Clansman Lifestyle所代理的各項蘇格蘭品牌產品完全是經蘇格蘭人的手所研製、生產、包裝、原裝進口到亞洲,再經駐港蘇格蘭人的手上帶到給你。你現在可以輕鬆在家以一鍵之遙,感受到蘇格蘭的美好。

Nature In Scotland | 蘇格蘭的大自然

Partnership | 合作夥伴

We do wholesale, consignment and retail in Hong Kong as well as import export out of Hong Kong for all the represented Scottish brands. We welcome partnerships or collaborations in Asia.


Hong Kong Homestore | 香港總店

Clansman Lifestyle home store is located at 6 Castle Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Island. Its just located next to Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum. Here at home store, one can explore all the Scottish brands represented by Clansman Lifestyle in Asia, along with other amazing brands endorsed by founders. If you take the MTR, alight from Central Station and head towards Mid-Levels Escalator. Take the escalator to Caine Road and head towards McDonald Restaurant which is next to the museum .

Clansman Lifestyle 總店設在香港島半山區衛城道號,就在孫中山紀念館隔壁。總店擺放所有Clansman所代理的各式蘇格蘭品牌產品,還有其它創辦人精挑細選的他國優質產品。搭地鐵到中環站下車再搭半山電梯上半山區。在堅道步出電梯往麥當勞方向走,孫中山紀念館就在餐廳隔壁。

  • ArtPiece at Causeway Bay, HK | 銅鑼灣ArtPiece專櫃

    Clansman Lifestyle is proud to be a collaborating partner with ArtPiece, a budding skincare and bodycare retail and services provider with two major locations in Hong Kong, Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui. Pictured here is Clansman's anchor brand, Arran Sense of Scotland's display cabinet located at ArtPiece Causeway Bay at 3 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island. This location is situated just right next to Time Square at Causeway Bay. Take MTR Exit A when alighting at Causeway Bay Station. Customers can have access to Arran Sense of Scotland as well as Scottish Fine Soap products at ArtPiece.

    我們感到很榮幸可以和香港新興護膚零售和服務商ArtPiece成為合作夥伴,並在ArtPiece港島銅鑼灣勿地臣街3號享有一個專櫃。ArtPiece銅鑼灣門市就座落在銅鑼灣著名地標時代廣場隔壁。搭地鐵前往的話在銅鑼灣站下車,ArtPiece門市就在A出口旁邊。香港市民可以在ArtPiece買到 Arran Sense of Scotland 還有 Scottish Fine Soap 的產品了。

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  • ArtPiece at Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon | 尖沙嘴ArtPiece專櫃

    Clansman Lifestyle is very happy to be collaborating with ArtPiece, a skincare and body care retailer and service providers of many brands. Pictured here is Clansman Lifestyle's anchor brand, Arran Sense of Scotland, being represented by Art Piece at its Tsim Sha Tsui branch located at 53 Carnovan Road, TST, Kowloon. Customers can now access Arran Sense of Scotland as well as Scottish Fine Soaps products at this location.

    我們很高興可以和香港新興護膚優質生活產品零售和服務商ArtPiece成為合作夥伴。圖中是Clansman的星級品牌Arran Sense of Scotland在ArtPiece九龍尖沙嘴加拿芬道53號分行的陳列櫃。香港市民現在可以在ArtPiece尖沙嘴門市買得到 Arran Sense of Scotland 還有 Scottish Fine Soaps 的產品。

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  • Glencraft HK at Horizon Plaza, Ap Lei Chau | 港島南區鴨脷洲新海怡廣場

    Clansman Lifestyle is very proud to be the collaborating partner with Glencraft Hong Kong. Glencraft is a 177-year-old Royal Warrant Scottish brand which supplies handmade mattresses to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for four generations. Glencraft is also the brand which supplies mattresses to Caledonia Sleeper, the luxury train from London to Edinburgh where one can also find Clansman Lifestyle's star brand Arran Sense of Scotland's pillow mist is being used in the sleeper carts too.

    Clansman Lifestyle很高興成為蘇格蘭超級皇家認證床褥品牌Glencraft的合作夥伴。這個177年的品牌為現任英國女皇伊麗莎白二世提供手工製作床褥。直通愛丁堡和倫敦的蘇格蘭豪華火車Caledonia Sleeper上所用的床褥就是Glencraft所提供的。火車上的枕頭噴霧就是Clansman星級品牌Arran Sense of Scotland 的產品。

  • New Yaohan, Macau | 澳門新八佰伴

    Clansman Lifestyle is proud to announce that we have added another distribution channel in Macau, at New Yaohan. Residents in Macau can now have access to Clansman's anchor brand Arran Sense of Scotland products stocked at New Yaohan.

    Clansman很榮幸與澳門新八佰伴合作。澳門市民現在可以在新八佰伴買到Clansman星級品牌 Arran Sense of Scotland 的各類產品了。

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